Dan Talbert passed away June 2, 2019. Dan was the founder and driving force behind Opportunity House. This ministry is here only because of Dan's vision and his tireless effort. Over the last ten years, Opportunity House has been meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the least, the last, and the lost. The services of Opportunity House go beyond two meals, showers, laundry, clothing closet, and access to a nurse. The real service that Opportunity House provides is hope - hope of a better tomorrow and the assurance that there are people in this community who care.
In addition to founding Opportunity House itself, Dan was instrumental in developing the Narrow Gate ministry. Every Thursday evening at the Kerr Street campus of Forest Hill UMC in Concord and at Midway UMC in Kannapolis, the love of Christ is shared free of cost through a "meal, music, and message" to more than one hundred people.
Because of Dan's vision, thousands of individuals have personally benefited from the ministries of Opportunity House and Narrow Gate over the last ten years. Opportunity House is firmly established, and continues to play an important role in addressing the significant homeless crisis in our community. Dan created the vision, and it is our honor to continue it.
What better way to continue the work that Dan started, and to create a living memorial to Dan at the same time, than by making a financial commitment to the ministry to which Dan devoted so much of his life. Today I invite you to make a significant financial donation to Opportunity House. All donations of any amount are appreciated, and all donors of gifts of $100+, $500+. and $1,000+ will be acknowledged on a permanent plaque in memory of Dan To donate online, click on the DONATE button below. You can also mail your donation to the address below or contact Pastor Jim or Pastor Thad at Opportunity House for more information. All donations received in July and August, in addition to donations already made in memory of Dan will qualify for recognition on the permanent plaque.
Please be generous with your one-time and ongoing gifts. Dan dedicated his life to this ministry. Let's honor this remarkable life by supporting his vision.
Grace and peace
Jim Hood
Pastor, Opportunity House
Opportunity House 72 Corban Ave SW, Concord, NC 28025 Ph 704 786 4020 Fax 704 721 2275 Jim Hood, Pastor Thad Brown, Director pastor@opphouse.net director@opphouse.net