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A New Year Prayer

Opportunity House

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Greetings Narrow Gate,

Whew, I made it. I made it into 2021. I did not think 2021 would ever get here. Guess what? If you are reading this, you made it too! So congratulations all around.

Today I want to start the year of with a prayer for Narrow Gate, Opportunity House and everyone remotely associated with us. But first some scripture. Just one verse from Job. I picked Job because it has been a Job like year for me. This verse is an enigmatic verse. Bildad, the speaker, is wanting to condemn Job for his sinfulness. However, he unknowingly speaks truth in reference to Job's future. Job 8:7,

"Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be."

I would respectfully apply this to all who believe in Christ. Since eternal life in heaven is the future for all children of God, then indeed this is the case, that for all of us our beginnings will seem humble. No matter how difficult this past year has been for you, if you abide in Christ, you have a great future ahead of you. This doesn't mean bad things can't happen, because they can. But we can all rest assured that when we arrive in heaven, this world will pale by comparison.

So let's go into 2021 empowered by God's Spirit and confident so as to respond to God's call on our lives in a way that blesses others for God's glory.

Let us pray,

Father, I thank you for the Narrow Gate and Opportunity House family. I pray for the upcoming year to be one of miracles and blessings, of overcoming trials and tribulations, of growing as believers in your Son Jesus Christ. May your Holy Spirit guide and direct us minute by minute, hour to hour, day by day. I pray for healing for those of us who need healing and for our loved ones and friends. I pray that your Holy Spirit would comfort and fellowship with us, especially those that are in isolation and battling loneliness due to the pandemic closure.

I pray Lord a financial blessing over those who are struggling with jobs, paychecks, short hours and layoffs. I pray for those who are homeless, that this is just a temporary situation, soon to be alleviated. I pray Father for those who are battling addiction, alcoholism, mental health issues, incarceration and living on the street. Help those of us at NG and OH to make a difference in their lives.

Finally Lord I pray for this country and a world that seems to be spinning apart. I pray for complete healing from this Covid-19 pandemic. I pray for safe and effective vaccines and treatments. I pray for economies then to open back up, schools to open, people to go back to work. Father I pray for those who are disadvantaged now to not be taken advantage of by those in positions of power and control. Raise up the body of Christ in a mighty way. Help us to be courageous in the face of sickness, death and tyranny.

May whatever good comes to us this year be for your glory. I pray this all in Jesus name. Amen.

Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.


Thad Brown

Opportunity House

and Harmony UMC


Dec 2024 - Edited by Opportunity House Staff.

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