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Hot Meals

Hot meals (breakfast and lunch) are provided daily for every house guest and are cooked and prepared by our Opportunity House chef.


Due to the pandemic, we've also started a lunch initiative to ensure that we are compliant with all social distancing regulations called "Take Out Thursdays". Lunches are distributed in the back of the Opportunity House building.

We also provide...

Image by Maria Lin Kim
Weekend Survival Bags

It's exactly what it sounds like! With our agency being closed on the weekends, we wanted to ensure that all persons currently experiencing homelessness, wouldn't go hungry. These bags are packed with:

Canned foods




A food pantry

The Food Pantry is stocked with canned foods, condiments, pasta, and pretty much every item you can think of that doesn't require refrigeration. These items are 80% donated goods that are used in a variety of ways. Most of these items are used for Weekend Survival Bags, the remaining items are used by the Opportunity House chef for the preparation of breakfast and lunch.


Here's how to help

We are always looking for more food donations to assist in stocking the pantry, replenishing weekend survival bags, and restoring inventory for the chef. If you have a pantry full of food items and would like to help us with this ministry, please feel free to donate from 10 - 12:30 pm Monday - Friday. Also, you can check our greatest needs below.

Dec 2024 - Edited by Opportunity House Staff.

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Find us: 

72 Corban Ave., SW Concord, NC 28025

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