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Image by Kelly Sikkema


Make a charitable gift

Opportunity House is a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3 organization, and all donations are tax deductible. We rely on the support of donors just like you to continue to provide hope and assurance for the Cabarrus County community. Each financial gift, whether one time, monthly, or annual, is appreciated and helps to support our core programs and our facility. We thank you for your continued support!

Shop our Amazon Wish List

For an immediate impact on our greatest needs.

In-kind donation drop-off hours are from 10 - 1pm Monday - Friday | 72 Corban Ave., SW Concord, NC 28025


Is your closet full of good seasonal clothing in great condition which is causing clutter? If so, you have an opportunity to help a neighbor in need by donating your new or gently used items. Our clothing closet serves and average of 50 people a week and is open year round. We're always available to receive additions for house guests in need. Here's a list of our greatest needs for this upcoming season:


  • Men's jeans (sizes 30 -34)

  • Women's underwear (sizes 10 and up)

  • Men and women's sneakers (all sizes)

  • Clear storage bins (80qt)

  • Hoodies (all sizes)

  • Steel toe work boots (all sizes)

  • Winter Boots (all sizes)

Toiletries and Hygiene Essentials

At Opportunity House, each guest has access to a full bathroom with showers included. This means toiletries are always needed. Here's a list of our current needs:


  • Toothpaste & toothbrushes

  • Mouthwash

  • Shampoo & conditioner

  • Soap


We also receive and distribute deodorant, razors, shaving cream, lotion, feminine hygiene products, high efficiency (HE) laundry detergent, and bath towels. Each item is essential in making sure all Opportunity House Guests receive a dignified experience.


In addition to providing access to bathrooms, clothing, and laundry machines, we also provide good food for guests. From chef prepared meals to donated can goods with pop tops, we understand the vital importance of proper nutrition. Our current needs are:


  • Canned goods with "pop tops" (fruit, ravioli, spaghettio's, Chef Boryardee, Vienna Sausages, hash, etc.)

  • Protein bars

  • Cheese crackers

  • Granola bars

  • Non perishables

  • Emergency Street Food (items that don't need to be cooked or refrigerated)

  • Bottled Water


For any inquires, help with donations, and to schedule pick ups, please feel free to call (704) 786-4020 or email

Dec 2024 - Edited by Opportunity House Staff.

Call us:


Find us: 

72 Corban Ave., SW Concord, NC 28025

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